A Relationship With God

There is only one way to ‘be’ and that is to be Who You Really Are.

You cannot be anything else than which you are.

Everything else is an act of ‘doing’ or behaving in a way that demonstrates who you are not.

And the way in which we can understand and experience this is through relationships.

Our relationship with God, with ourselves and with everything and everyone around us is an opportunity for us to know and experience Who We Are.

Hence, our relationships are sacred.

Yet, the very thing that should create great love and connection has caused so much dysfunction, problem and suffering in the world.

Here’s why -

When we judge, condemn, kill…we’ve simply forgotten who we are.

Could this mean that a new or a different type of relationship we have with God be the revolutionary change we seek that could bring about more harmony?

I really think so but you be the authority of your own truth.

I also encourage you to look into what truly resonates with your heart and soul, seek your highest truth and think outside what you’ve been told or learned externally.

Personally, my relationship with God is one of friendship, freedom and love.

It is not one of fear or restriction (though it used to be).

It is not one where I feel I will be punished for not going to church.

My relationship with God is one where I can talk to her, anytime, anywhere. I am always welcome.

It is not one where he favours a specific religion and the rest will go to Hell, Limbo or Purgatory.

My relationship with God is a conversation of thankfulness and abundance.

It is not one where I pray to him to keep giving me things out of lack.

My relationship with God is unique to me as it is unique to everyone else.

Yet it is not one that creates separation but a deeper connection to all.

My relationship with God is one where there is nothing I can do to displease him.

God is not needy - she is understanding, forgiving, non-judgmental, compassionate and the epitome of divine, unconditional love.

God doesn’t only do love…

God IS love and guess what, so are we.

Which means this….

Who We Are is an essence of God. We are an individuation and an expression of God.

Rather than a single wave in the ocean, we are the entire ocean in a single wave.

I developed a relationship with God that is helping me become more understanding of others.

It has led me to great peace and harmony within myself.

It has led me to profound joy and revealed secrets of the Universe that assists me in wielding my creative powers to create an amazing life.

You don’t have to believe me though.

What should matter to you right now is the relationship you have with God.

Or perhaps you’ve chosen not to have one.

And if you do, what type of relationship is that?

About the Author

Mark D. Flores is a creative and entrepreneur with a deep passion for expanding Spiritual Consciousness and 'God talk'. He is the founder of High Vibes Reflect, a clothing brand inspired by the Law of Vibration and co-founder of Team Kimlligraphy alongside his wife. He is an avid tennis player, movie buff, recording artist, conscious parenter and enjoys martial arts. Above all, he cherishes his role as a father to Hendrix and, soon, Riley.