What is Spiritual Consciousness?

Spiritual Consciousness is the exploration, philosophy and practice of the 'God within', contrary to traditional beliefs that God exists 'outside of us'. It portrays God as the epitome of Unconditional Love, not of fear or judgement.

It is dedicated to propelling the Universe's soul purpose - the expansion and rise of consciousness, by offering practical guidance towards 'remembering', instead of discovering, Who We Really Are.

Spiritual Consciousness offers a paradigm that reconciles Science and Spirituality, viewing them not as adversaries but as complementary pathways, leading to a profound understanding of our roles as active participants, rather than mere observers, in the magnificent orchestration of life.

A more scientific-sounding term, Cosmic Consciousness, refers to the 'aware becoming aware that it is aware'. This principle not only assists us to achieve a greater understanding of the infinite and ineffable intelligence of Universe, but in the realisation of our participation and the co-creation of the Universe itself.

At its core, Spiritual Consciousness hinges on the principle of 'Oneness,' advocating for a profound interconnectedness within the Universe. This challenges the old-age notion of Separation theology, brought upon by many unaltered, sacred beliefs.

Spiritual Consciousness is a practical blueprint for better living that can be applied in areas such as parenting, entrepreneurship and relationships.

Its goal is to forge a path towards a globally harmonious coexistence within the complex, dysfunctional tapestry of modern life, where humanity can consciously choose, demonstrate and experience its true essence - Love.

Note: The description above does not aim to present a conventional depiction of 'Spiritual Consciousness'. Instead, it serves as an articulation derived from the author's own understanding, observation and personal experiences.

What is Spiritual Consciousness?

Spiritual Consciousness is the exploration, philosophy and practice of the 'God within', contrary to traditional beliefs that God exists 'outside of us'. It portrays God as the epitome of Unconditional Love, not of fear or judgement.

It is dedicated to propelling the Universe's soul purpose - the expansion and rise of consciousness, by offering practical guidance towards 'remembering', instead of discovering, Who We Really Are.

Spiritual Consciousness offers a paradigm that reconciles Science and Spirituality, viewing them not as adversaries but as complementary pathways, leading to a profound understanding of our roles as active participants, rather than mere observers, in the magnificent orchestration of life.

A more scientific-sounding term, Cosmic Consciousness, refers to the 'aware becoming aware that it is aware'. This principle not only assists us to achieve a greater understanding of the infinite and ineffable intelligence of Universe, but in the realisation of our participation and the co-creation of the Universe itself.

At its core, Spiritual Consciousness hinges on the principle of 'Oneness,' advocating for a profound interconnectedness within the Universe. This challenges the old-age notion of Separation theology, brought upon by many unaltered, sacred beliefs.

Spiritual Consciousness is a practical blueprint for better living that can be applied in areas such as parenting, entrepreneurship and relationships.

Its goal is to forge a path towards a globally harmonious coexistence within the complex, dysfunctional tapestry of modern life, where humanity can consciously choose, demonstrate and experience its true essence - Love.

Note: The description above does not aim to present a conventional depiction of 'Spiritual Consciousness'. Instead, it serves as an articulation derived from the author's own understanding, observation and personal experiences.