
I used to wonder - if it's so important to know Who We Really Are, then why is life a process not of discovery, but of remembering Who We Are?

And if demonstrating Who We Are contributes to more harmony into our world, then why are we 'designed' to forget it in the first place?

I could be wrong, but I feel deeply this is why -

Knowing and experiencing are two different things.

If we enter this physical existence already aware of our essence—of light, love, and eternal being with the Divine Source—we'd miss the opportunity to truly experience ourselves; we'd merely 'know'.

It's like this...

You can really only experience who you are by experiencing who you are not.

So we live in this realm of Duality - light and dark, up and down, joy and suffering, etc.

Every single part of our physical experience is an opportunity to remember who we really are and to demonstrate that - to BE, not DO.

You might know you are light but you can only experience that when you have been through darkness.

Consciousness reflects upon itself in an infinite cycle, perhaps a means of growth.

It is the aware becoming aware that it is aware.

In other words, God created humans so that God can experience who God is.

Since we are an essence and individuation of God, we are not separate from the creative process but rather, a part of it all - absolute Oneness with the galaxies, atoms, nature, etc.

It's truly a majestic creative dance of the Universe.

Hence, the feeling of enlightenment, the highest vibration, is the experience of Divinity - who we are.

This is contrary to many sacred beliefs that we are separate from God, flawed and derived of sin.

Often when we say that when we are remembering something, we are tapping into our memories.

Quantum Mechanics suggests memories are embedded information from our journey across the Universe that we can recall and tune into like an antenna.

Memory constructs the idea of linear time, and without it, past and future become illusions—only Now is real.

Nothing exists outside of the present moment.

Many of us understand that living presently helps to relieve our anxiety of the past and fear of the future.

Fear is what holds us back.

When we fear, we judge, we condemn, we seek revenge and we punish ourselves and others.

Today, the world still lives and expresses a lot of this fear.

This suggests that although we (humans) like to proclaim ourselves as intelligent beings, we are still quite primitive in our stage of Universal Consciousness.

Perhaps there is still so much we don't know about God. More than we like to say we do.

But there is one thing I know I'm sure of -

Fear is not who we are.

It is time we remember who we really are - Love

...for the sake of humanity.

About the Author

Mark D. Flores is a creative and entrepreneur with a deep passion for expanding Spiritual Consciousness and 'God talk'. He is the founder of High Vibes Reflect, a clothing brand inspired by the Law of Vibration and co-founder of Team Kimlligraphy alongside his wife. He is an avid tennis player, movie buff, recording artist, conscious parenter and enjoys martial arts. Above all, he cherishes his role as a father to Hendrix and, soon, Riley.