There is No Sin

Is it our purpose to be 'saved'?

Such as salvation is required so God places you in Heaven to spare you from eternal damnation in Hell?

Does sin and evil serve as a measuring stick for one's eligibility for Heaven or Hell in the sense of divine judgment?

My rejection of this perspective shocks a lot of people, I know. You're probably praying for me right now (or going to).

Before I explain why, I want to make clear that my advocacy of Spiritual Consciousness is not merely personal; I view it to have broader significance in addressing the unprecedented suffering the world faces today -

War, famine, inequality, animal cruelty, environmental destruction, trafficking, murders…

We’re witnessing a level of inhumanity and separation from the true self like no other time in history.

Last night I saw Dune 2 in the cinemas - an absolute visual and auditory masterpiece but one that I personally found unsettling in its accuracy of depicting aspects of humanity.

Think about this - we have become more dysfunctional and in disharmony with each other, yet we continue to hold on to the same beliefs that man has passed down for thousands of years.

I've spoken to a few people who think that by abandoning the idea of sin, it gives us the opportunity to ‘do anything we want’ and humans are left to be their own authority - it’s actually, well…true!

That’s what free will is.

Here’s the thing - what you choose in life has natural consequences. There are Universal Laws at play. 

If you complain about your entire day, a lot of unpleasant things are going to show up. If you choose a life hurting others, you won't find true peace.

You can live in Heaven or Hell right now.

See, ‘consequence’ is not the same thing as ‘punishment’.

This ‘punishment’ is clear as day in the bible re: God’s wrath is mentioned many times.

To say God is all love but to fear God’s wrath is to love her, is like justifying two opposing truths. Fear and love are opposite sides of the coin.

You either choose Love or Fear.

God is Divine Love, the highest expression of unconditional love - why insert fear in there?

Now, here’s why there is no ‘saving our souls’-

Our soul or Spirit, the essence of Who We Are, is eternal.

It is also forever connected to the Divine Oneness, and never separate.

Sin and evil cannot sever this connection because we are an intrinsic part of God's essence.

What we see as injustice, tragedy and 'sin' in the world is simply this -

People demonstrating and experiencing who they are NOT. 

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

In other words, "Understand for them for they do not know how to demonstrate Who They Really Are. They have forgotten how to love."

When love makes way for understanding, there is no need for forgiveness.

Hence, our purpose in this physical world is simply to know, experience and demonstrate Who We Really Are.

This purpose is so accurate that it will happen (and has happened) with every single one of us, though it seems that only a few will choose it in their physical reality.

When I observe people who are God-fearing, their composure doesn't suggest that they fully believe in this notion deep down in their essence.

That's because if you did, wouldn't you live your life with immense fear thinking every single day that goes by is a step closer to the possibility you will end up in the fires of damnation for all eternity?!

You would have to behave like an absolute angel to believe in Hell, yet, that is not the case. We still continue to demonstrate what is described as 'sin', risking the inevitable torture that lies ahead -

I have witnessed many times people who go to church and as soon as they leave, they're making enemies, while others have revenge on their minds. But as long as they unite with the Holy Spirit, they will be 'saved'.

So if anything, wouldn't that make someone 'do anything they want' even more? As long as they believe, worship and practice the sacred rituals, then it's all good, God will spare you in Heaven...

This suggests to me that what's convincing people that we must fear God is not our divine self but our Ego - our false self. The Ego is based on fear; the true self never fears because it is the source of love.

This is why I have chosen differently.

I live every single day in gratitude and love for a God who is divine love. A God of understanding, forgiveness and compassion.

A God who doesn't punish or judge. A God who is not needy, favours one religion over another and demands you to worship it.

This is the God I have a deep, unique and beautiful relationship with.

It's time to muster the courage to question.

What if -

The rise of our consciousness is what will lead to greater alignment with our true essence - Love?

What if -

We simply need to remember we are Love if we are to end this madness?

What if -

The answer is Love, always has been and always will be? The energy of the Universe is after all, Love.

Can it be that simple, yet we've complicated it?

Or do we continue to believe in a judgemental, condemning God who places conditions on his Love, where a beautiful child like my son, who was never baptised is at risk of ending up in Purgatory?

A God that punishes you by sending you to Hell because he has a checklist of your sins and noted that you missed out on your last confession...really?

Once again, what if we were never separate in the first place and have always been connected, not the same, but one?

That understanding would be revolutionary.

Human history has always proven that it is when we come together, we find harmony and solutions. Big problems are rarely resolved by one person, it is a combined effort, a unity, a group consciousness.

Could I be wrong about all of this? Possibly. Though I don't feel like I am.

But proving myself right is not the point here.

I’m simply sharing what resonates with my higher self in the hopes that it leads to more harmony in our world.

What truly resonates with you? 

PS. Try asking yourself this question by going internally; seek the God within you and just quiet the part where you’ve been told what to believe or researched externally…just for a little while.

About the Author

Mark D. Flores is a creative and entrepreneur with a deep passion for expanding Spiritual Consciousness and 'God talk'. He is the founder of High Vibes Reflect, a clothing brand inspired by the Law of Vibration and co-founder of Team Kimlligraphy alongside his wife. He is an avid tennis player, movie buff, recording artist, conscious parenter and enjoys martial arts. Above all, he cherishes his role as a father to Hendrix and, soon, Riley.