Time Is An Illusion

In the physical world, time is linear.

We plan to wake up and go to bed at certain times, we have calendars to remind us of birthdays, anniversaries, deadlines, meetings, etc.

We've developed watches, clocks and numerical systems to track time - there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year, 10 years in a decade and so on.

We use time to distinguish between past, present and future.

We also use time to measure our mortality - "life expectancy in Australia has improved dramatically for both sexes in the last century, particularly life expectancy at birth. Compared with their counterparts in 1891–1900, boys and girls born in 2019–2021 can expect to live around 30 years longer (Figure 8.1)." - Stats from AIHW

So when someone's time on Earth is up before the time we expect, it feels so wrong.

Yet the return to the Spirit world (some call it Heaven) is none other than an experience of bliss and pure love.

When we don't realise this, 'death' doesn't feel right. Many of us fear death.

However, it is not in someone's death do we truly suffer, we suffer because of the 'separation' from our loved ones.

But in the grand scheme of the Universe, there is no such thing as separation. All is united in Oneness.

In the Spirit world, the world of the Absolute, time is not linear.

There is no value in knowing what time it is.

There is only one time - Now.

This moment is all there is, all there ever was. Everything exists together right now.

This is a difficult concept to grasp if we are trying to understand it with our minds.

But it is not for our minds to comprehend this mystery; it is only understood by our Soul.

Let's look at time travel.

Some describe it as the “folding” of space like a piece of paper where it brings points that are hundreds of light years apart right next to each other.

The hole through the folds is often represented in movies as a 'worm-hole' where a fictional starship has entered at light speed.

Many say the Universe is unfolding. I think it's the opposite - the Universe is in a continuous folding onto itself, a constant, endless motion in the knowing and the experiencing of itself.

Ever time-traveled in your dreams? Ever woke up feeling like you've just been in a different time and place?

Some great Spiritual masters say that free will is not actually free will since our time on Earth has been predestined.

There lies a Divine Dichotomy - two contradicting truths told at the same time.

You are always at the right time, at the right place.

When someone is born to the Physical world or passes to the Spirit world, it was their time.

Since time is an illusion and everything is happening Now and always has been, whatever is happening is supposed to happen.

It simply just is.

It's the 'Is-ness' of the Universe.

There is a great lesson that we can apply from this -

Be present.

To practice being in the Now is to be one with God.

Mindfulness and meditation is the act of uniting with your highest self and the Universe.

Still, remember this - you are never separate from God, whatever you say, think or do.

But you can choose to experience God and express Who You Are in your knowing.

Your time is now, it always has been.

About the Author

Mark D. Flores is a creative and entrepreneur with a deep passion for expanding Spiritual Consciousness and 'God talk'. He is the founder of High Vibes Reflect, a clothing brand inspired by the Law of Vibration and co-founder of Team Kimlligraphy alongside his wife. He is an avid tennis player, movie buff, recording artist, conscious parenter and enjoys martial arts. Above all, he cherishes his role as a father to Hendrix and, soon, Riley.