What Is Consciousness?

Animals navigate their existence without pondering the question of 'why,'

Humans on the other hand often find themselves longing for answers to - "Why do I exist?", "What's my purpose?", "Why am I here?"

Consequently, humans find themselves driven by a quest for meaning and fulfilment.

And as a result of those questions, we find themselves striving for 'more'.

In this pursuit of answers, most people believe that accumulation—be it of more knowledge, more wealth, more possessions, or more accomplishments—holds the key to life's purpose and success.

Yet, animals like the humble goldfish lack such ambitions.

They harbour no aspirations for self-improvement like having a daily ritual to swim faster to win or survive.

Unlike animals, humans possess an awareness of their own existence.

This awareness transcends mere existence; it is a conscious recognition—a 'knowing'—of our place in the world.

This 'knowing' can be considered consciousness itself.

However, true understanding necessitates a key element - experience.

Yet our experience is simply our own - we cannot guarantee someone else has the same experience.

A bat, for example, experiences colour that you and I do not.

Their view of the world and ultimately, reality is very different.

This diversity in perception raises questions about the nature of reality.

How do we perceive reality as we do? Can our sensory experiences be trusted to reflect an objective truth?

Consider this analogy:

Light enters our eye, the image is inverted which gets sent to the brain.

A DSLR camera works in a similar fashion as the eye.

Light enters the lens, gets inverted, and then through the view-finder we can see the image and then use a computer to blow up the image.

This process reveals an obvious boundary ie. The photo as we see it is limited to the size of the viewfinder or the size of the computer monitor or preview window.

Our perception of reality, however, transcends such boundaries, enveloping us in a multidimensional experience.

This prompts the inquiry: is consciousness housed within the brain, or is the brain merely a vessel within consciousness?

It appears that consciousness precedes and encompasses both the brain and perhaps the entire Universe!

One way to conceptualise consciousness is as the amalgamation of infinite experiences within the Universe.

It is through consciousness that the Universe seeks to know itself, embracing the infinite diversity of experiences that unfold within it.

Ultimately, while the true essence of consciousness may remain elusive, our quest to comprehend it invites us to ponder the interconnectedness and Oneness of all things and our profound role within the tapestry of existence.

Through this ongoing exploration, we inch closer to unraveling the mysteries of consciousness and our place in the grand symphony of the cosmos that can lead to greater harmony in our human existence.

About the Author

Mark D. Flores is a creative and entrepreneur with a deep passion for expanding Spiritual Consciousness and 'God talk'. He is the founder of High Vibes Reflect, a clothing brand inspired by the Law of Vibration and co-founder of Team Kimlligraphy alongside his wife. He is an avid tennis player, movie buff, recording artist, conscious parenter and enjoys martial arts. Above all, he cherishes his role as a father to Hendrix and, soon, Riley.