Why God Created Humans

Ever wondered why God created human beings?

No, it’s not because he wanted little minions to worship him, bow down to him, so he can judge them, decide if they have eternal bliss in Heaven or condemn them to the fires of hell for eternity.

God isn’t that needy.

Here’s why God created humans and it’s quite simple really…

First, you need to grasp the understanding that God is all.

Before creation, before all the things we know…there was God. Even in the nothingness, there is God.

You can’t point somewhere and say, “God is over there” (most people point up), or “God is not there”.

Everyone and everything like the trees, stars, cells, the space in between, gravity, basically all of creation, is a part of God or an expression of God.

Hence everything and everyone is connected, there is no separation - Just in that sentence, we would have a better world if people believed and acted on it.

Back to the explanation…

Imagine being the ‘all’. God can ‘know’ he is God but he cannot ‘experience’ what it knows is God unless there is relativity.

For example, in order for you to know what’s hot, you have to experience what’s cold. Hence the Law of Duality - up/down, light/darkness, joy/suffering, love/hate, etc.

You cannot experience yourself as the light…if you’ve never been surrounded by darkness.

So God created humans - Individuations of the divinity in the realm of the physical (or the world of the Relative) because through us, God can experience what it knows is God. It’s why the soul makes that journey from the Spirit world to the physical world.

All Spiritual masters have reminded us of this in their own words through the ages. Why do you think Jesus never condemned nor judged his enemies? In fact he blessed them and prayed for them!

Because when they presented him hatred and other things far worse, Jesus knew who he was not. And in knowing who he is not, he knew and experienced who he is - LOVE.

To demonstrate and experience Who We Really Are is our key purpose in life.

Unfortunately, time is running out. The state of the world shows people demonstrating who they are not. Remember you are Love.

“Raise not your fist to the Heavens and curse the darkness but be a light onto the darkness that you might know who you really are and that those whose lives you touch might know who they really are as well.”

My appreciation to Neale Donald Walsch for this insight.

About the Author

Mark D. Flores is a creative and entrepreneur with a deep passion for expanding Spiritual Consciousness and 'God talk'. He is the founder of High Vibes Reflect, a clothing brand inspired by the Law of Vibration and co-founder of Team Kimlligraphy alongside his wife. He is an avid tennis player, movie buff, recording artist, conscious parenter and enjoys martial arts. Above all, he cherishes his role as a father to Hendrix and, soon, Riley.